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Passion Fruit Iced Tea Portrait by Rochelle Anderson for Da Vine Foods
Glass of Passion Fruit Iced Tea with Lime Wedges

Passion Fruit Iced Tea

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Featuring: Passion Fruit Cocktail Mix

Passion Fruit Iced Tea Portrait by Rochelle Anderson for Da Vine Foods

Passion Fruit Iced Tea

Yields: 1 Drink
Prep time: 1 min
Cook time: 1 min


  • 8 oz Fresh Brewed Tea
  • 2 oz . Lilikoi Cocktail Mix
  • 1 Ice


  1. Fill glass with ice.
  2. Add fresh brewed tea and Lilikoi Cocktail Mix.
  3. Stir.
  4. Add a lime or lemon wedge for garnish.

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