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Category: Passion Fruit Info & FAQ

We love sharing about passion fruit, the Big Island, and Hawaii.

Passion Fruit And Your 5 Senses

Passion Fruit and Your Senses

So you’ve never had a passion fruit and you consider yourself to be an adventurous eater. Well, it’s about time you try this amazing fruit that we grow in the tropics of Hawaii. It is the perfect ingredient to give

What Is Passion Fruit Puree

What is Passion Fruit or Lilikoi Puree?

What is Lilikoi or Passion Fruit Puree? Let’s start with why this fruit has multiple names, Lilikoi and Passion Fruit, and so many more in other places around the world. I live in Hawaii. Here passion fruit is called Lilikoi.

Lilikoi or Passion Fruit Defined by Rochelle at

DIY – How to Juice Passion Fruit at Home

So, you want to learn how to juice passion fruit at home? You’ve gone out on a hike and hit a gold mine; passion fruit have fallen off the vine, all along the trail. You start picking them up as

Passion Fruit Syrup and Saturday Mornings

As a young girl, Saturday mornings were my favorite. I was allowed to get up and watch early morning cartoons! Not only that but, I would get up with my dad who would head to the kitchen to start breakfast.

Passion Fruit Puree: The key to a happy kitchen!

The key to a happy kitchen! I have so many people stop by my booth at the Ho’oulu Farmer’s Market every Wednesday. One of my favorite questions to ask is if they have tasted Lilikoi before. If they say no,

Lilikoi or Passion Fruit Defined by Rochelle at

What is Lilikoi or Passionfruit?

At the Farmer’s Markets and Street Fairs I set up at I have one question that is asked of me more than anything else. What is Lilikoi? Definition of Lilikoi Passiflora edulis forma flavicarpa is the scientific name for the

Where to buy Passion Fruit Puree!

If you are wondering where you can buy pure passion fruit puree, well look no more. In Hawaii this wonderful liquid is known as Lilikoi. It has a strong, tart and exotically tropical flavor. It is ideal for creating baked

How to Juice Lilikoi, the Hawaiian Passion Fruit

So, you are lucky enough to live where you can grow lilikoi fruit, not just the beautiful flower. Now what? How do you get the small amount of that liquid gold juice out without having to purchase hugely expensive equipment?

History of the Liliko’i

Common Name:         Liliko’i (lee-lee-co e) Passion fruit Scientific Name:        Passiflora edulis Sims Flower Color:            White, purple, and  yellow Fruit Color:               Yellow and purple varieties Habitat:                    Yellow: Sea level – 2,000 ft Purple: 2,000 ft –

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