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Passion Fruit Caramels in a blue bowl
Passion Fruit Caramels

Passion Fruit Caramels

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Featuring: Passion Fruit Puree

History of this incredible treat is not completely known. Sometime in the late 1800’s a candy maker thought to add fat and milk while boiling sugar and water. The candy and sauce we now know as caramel was created.

The biggest debate is how to spell the word. Some people pronounce it as cara-mel while others pronounce it as car-mel. It turns out Carmel is correct if naming a city. Caramel is correct whether it is a sauce you put over ice cream or individual candies wrapped in wax paper.

This recipe is for the individual candies wrapped in wax paper.

No matter how you say them, I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do.

Recipe adapted from The Cooking of Joy Blog Post

Passion Fruit Caramels in a blue bowl

Passion Fruit Caramels

Yields: 60-65 caramels
Prep time: 1 hour 30 min plus cooling time
Cook time: 1 hour


  • 300 g heavy cream (10.58 oz.)
  • 400 g passion fruit puree (14.10 oz.)
  • 1 whole vanilla bean, split lengthwise and cut in half if needed to fit in the pot
  • 25 g corn syrup (.881 oz)
  • 360 g sugar (12.7 oz)
  • 100 g butter, softened (3.52 oz)


  1. Mix all the ingredients except for the butter in a large saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil, and then reduce heat to a medium/medium-low and continue to boil for about 45-60 minutes, until the temperature reaches 252°F.
  3. In the meantime, line an 8" square baking pan with two pieces of crisscrossed parchment paper.
  4. Cut out 3" square pieces of wax paper to use as wrappers.
  5. When the caramel has reached temperature, remove the vanilla bean. Add the butter and mix well. It may take a while for the butter to mix in, but it eventually will; just keep stirring.
  6. Pour into the prepared baking pan and allow to completely cool.
  7. Cut the caramel into 1inch squares. Wrap in the wax paper squares.
  8. Store in the refrigerator and bring to room temperature before eating.
  9. Die of happiness!

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